Seriously, could they be any cuter?

Seriously, could they be any cuter?
Brock, Sophia, and Alexa

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Hi my name is Christin and this is my first blog. I'm new at this so bear with me. Today is Mother's Day...a day to remember our moms. My mom is one of the most special and influential people in my life. Pam Crandall, aka "mom," a beautiful, sensitive, thoughtful person. One of the most loving people I've met in my entire 28 years.

I feel so lucky to have been raised by such an awesome person. She is the one that I have cried to, laughed with, and shared so many important milestones with: college graduation, the birth of my children, the day I married my husband. Through my breakups, my skinned knees, and my failed friendships she's wiped away my tears. She's high fived me at every soccer game, swim meet, or singing debut. Days like today often cause me to stop and consider my blessings, and I've had many. My mom is one of them. So here's to you mom. May you have many more years on this Earth with me and may my children grow up to appreciate me the way I do you.