Seriously, could they be any cuter?

Seriously, could they be any cuter?
Brock, Sophia, and Alexa

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just call me Eeyore

I think my name should have been temporarily changed this week to Eeyore. Maybe it was hormones, who knows? But this week I was sooooo hard on myself! I wouldn't label myself a perfectionist by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I'm more of a "settler." I settle for mediocrity. My life's motto has always been, "Life goes on." Its an easy way to be my mom tells me.

The only thing is, I'm never perfect! I'm never the BEST at anything. And until this morning, I was still clinging to the hope that maybe I could achieve perfection. But now I see that I don't need to be perfect because I have Jesus. He is my perfecter, and through him, I am made clean and holy and pleasing to Him. Thank the Lord above for that promise! Without it I'd just be stinky 'ole me.

So I have decided to just take one day at a time. And because I'm the "list-lover" that I am I made a list of all the areas in my life I feel are important to me ie: Health (both diet and excercise), Home cleanliness, Finances, Quality time with my kids, etc. And then I gave myself a letter grade. On the other side of each item I wrote one idea on how I could improve. Already I felt better!

Anyway, I just thought I'd take a minute to thank Jesus for all his help in the last few days. He's always there for me to fall at his feet when I fail. I don't know what I'd do without Him.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Summertime Memories

Well, summer is over. Almost anyway. And I'd say it was a great one! My kids are finally getting to the age where we can frequent such places as the beach, the pool, swim lessons, etc. without their mommy being a complete freak about drowning. In fact, my girls, the the help of life jackets, spent approximately 6 hours in my uncle's pool last week without any aid from me! I was so completely impressed. Diving board and everything! My kids are growing up. So why am I missing the infant stage so dang much? I've got serious baby fever. Well, I'm happy to say that I'm ready for fall. I LOVE it sooo much! So here's a huge goodbye to all of our wonderful summertime moments! GOODBYE sunscreen! See ya later bathing suits! Afterwhile wet towels covering the laundry room floor! And HELLO to new school clothes, bedtimes and alarm clocks, warm banana bread, and backpacks! I'm so excited!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

bye bye birdie...

As the new school year is about to begin, I am quickly becoming aware of how few days I have with my firstborn before she flies the coop. She is beginning kindergarten and while I understand that this is hardly a goodbye, for some reason, it still feels that way a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I am excited for her (and even a little bit for myself and my new found freedom), but I'm secretly heartbroken. How did the time go by so fast?

Just yesterday she was learning to sit by herself. Wasn't it last week that she learned her first song? And in my mind she can't possibly be old enough to venture out on her own yet...for heaven's sake she still calls toilet paper "roller paper"! She doesn't yet know who "Justice Veaver" is so how can she possibly be ready to spend half the day nearly everyday without her mommy?!?!

I understand that this is a milestone that each of my children will reach at some point but I would just like to take a few minutes to reminisce on my baby and the many amazing memories I have of her toddler years...they are forever a memory now.