Seriously, could they be any cuter?

Seriously, could they be any cuter?
Brock, Sophia, and Alexa

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Did you do that on PURPOSE??

Well, I'm so excited to announce that I am pregnant with number 4. And YES! ABSOLUTELY we did this on purpose! lol
Everyone keeps asking me..."Did you plan this one?" I just have to laugh and say that we decided that we did want another one and that this wasn't a surprise baby.

2 days after Brock was born I was sitting in my hospital bed, falling in love with my precious baby boy and decided I was, without a doubt, DONE! I called, from the hospital, the urologist and scheduled a vasectomy for Jeremy in one month. Well, needless to say, the day before he was due to go in, I got cold feet and called the appt off. Thank you Lord for giving me that sense of unrest! I still didn't want another baby but wasn't ready to make it permanent. If you had asked me that year if I'd have a forth I would have said NO WAY, adding to it that it would take an act of God to change my mind. Well, act of God it did and He completely changed both Jeremy's and my hearts. Jeremy came home from work about 2 months ago and out of the blue, he declared that he wanted another. I was completely shocked and after 24 hours of considering it, we jumped in the sack and started trying.

You know how it is...the minute you decide to start trying, you feel like you should be pregnant. I felt nauseous and bloated and yucky (aka pregnant) almost immediately and assumed I was. Well, 2 months, 13 negative pregnancy tests, 1 doctor appointment, and 2 missed periods later, I was completely confused and secretly a little depressed. My expanding belly, tight pants, and chubby face were constant reminders and I was trying desperately to hide them under baggy clothes. A week after I went to the doctor and was told YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT, I flippantly decided to use up the leftover pregnancy test taking space up in my bathroom cabinet. And boy oh boy was I happily shocked when it immediately turned up 2 dark blue lines. I must have looked at it 6 or 7 times to make sure I wasn't misreading the result!

Later that evening when Jeremy got home, I told him and he was just as insistent on rereading the test. We were ecstatic!

And now its been 3 days and I couldn't be happier. We go to see the doctor this Wed to find out just how pregnant I am and when the due date is. Thanks be to God for the blessing of this little one. All good things come from Him!